So Popeye loves his spinach. That's canned spinach to be correct. No judgement (left eyebrow raised) but to each his own. He and his creator missed the boat on the wonders of kale. Kale salads especially with lemon or Asian dressings have been the trend for a while. I still find them delicious but my friends, the cooked variety is insane if done correctly.
The hubby, some friends and I ventured out to Chef Eric Greenspan's latest restaurant called The Roof on Wilshire. The restaurant is located on the roof of The Hotel Wilshire and wraps around the pool deck. The place has a New York feel complete with wraparound city views.
Overall our meal was pleasing but there was one item that stood out, the kale. I mean THE KALE!!! Let me warn you. If you are lucky you will smell it before you see it. I kept smelling it in the air as we waited for our cocktails. I had no idea what the intoxicating aroma was until it landed on our table with our entrees. I was so excited I gobbled it up before I realized that I didn't take a picture. Sorry! My taste buds lit up like 4th of July Fireworks before the fork landed on my tongue. This stuff is crack-ish! I'm talking eyes bustin', lip smackin', Lord help me gooooood. This side dish might need to be Federally regulated. The menu minimally listed the side dish as "kale, blue cheese, lemon, bread crumbs" which does not give even a remote hint about the buttery blue cheesy and garlic infused deliciousness that makes up this powerfully flavorful balanced dish.
Do yourself a favor. Go to the The Roof on Wilshire and order this dish.
The Roof on Wilshire
6317 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90048-5602
(323) 852-6000